Cleopatra, by Jeff Barson print limited edition Cleopatra, by Jeff BarsonLIMITED EDITION S/N PRINTImage size:25 1/2"w x 20"h. MSRP: Was: Now: $399.00
The Lady of Shallot, by Jeff Barson print limited edition The Lady of Shallot, by Jeff BarsonLIMITED EDITION S/N PRINTImage size:29 1/4"w x 22"h.Edition:750Special. Available with a nice custom frame only. Staring at $349. framed. MSRP: Was: Now: $439.00
Scarlett in Green Velvet, by Jeff Barson Scarlett in Green Velvet, by Jeff BarsonLIMITED EDITION S/N PRINTImage size:22"w x 28"h. We have 1 framed canvas in inventory as of June 8, 2018. MSRP: Was: Now: $399.00
Scarlett at the Bar-B-Q, by Jeff Barson, print Scarlett at the Bar-B-Q, by Jeff BarsonLIMITED EDITION S/N PRINT UNFRAMEDImage size:28"w x 22"h. From the 4 Faces of Scarlett suite of paintings by Jeffery Barson. Young and vivacious, Scarlett flirts outrageously to make Ashley jealous. Nice... MSRP: Was: Now: $349.00
Romeo and Juliet, by Jeff Barson limited edition print Romeo and Juliet, by Jeff BarsonLIMITED EDITION S/N PRINTImage size: 28"w x 22"h. This is a great painting by Jeffery Barson. MSRP: Was: Now: $459.00
L'Esmeralda, Jeff Barson print limited edition LIMITED EDITION S/N PRINT by Jeffery Barson.Image size: 28"w x 22"h.Framing specials starting at $119. MSRP: Was: Now: $399.00
Blue Summer Evening, by Jeff Barson print limited edition Blue Summer Evening, by Jeff BarsonLIMITED EDITION S/N PRINT on paper.Image size:22"w x 28"h. MSRP: Was: Now: $395.00
A Tribute, Princess Diana, Jeff Barson canvas limited edition A Tribute, Princess Diana, by Jeff BarsonLIMITED EDITION S/N CANVASImage size:16"w x 20"h. MSRP: Was: Now: $399.00