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Children of the World Greg Olsen© Limited Edition Print

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Artist: Greg Olsen
Title: Children of the World
Size: 14" x 29"
Edition: S/N 2,500

Greg Olsen© Limited Edition Print: "Children of the World", published from the original painting. 


As the Good Shepherd, Christ proclaimed, “…other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd” (John 10:16). As the Savior of the world Christ will gather all nations, and He will dwell in the midst of them. At the dawn of a new millennium, we look forward to that wonderful day.

The invitation to come unto Him is still extended to all the world. The scriptural admonitions to become as a little child and to “walk as children of light” is meant to help us to prepare for that joyful time.

Christ himself came into this world as an innocent child, and children are especially beloved by our Lord. In ‘Children of the World’ we see the purity, innocence, and love that will prevail in a new era of peace and happiness, when The Good Shepherd returns to gather us together and dwell in our midst.

Greg Olsen - 2000